floydartisantrail.org - Artisan Trail | FAC

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On Saturday and Sunday, June 10 & 11, 10am – 5pm, Floyd County artisans, farms, galleries, and more will open their doors for this year’s Artisan Trail. Featuring over 30 different individuals and businesses, the Artisan Trail is a years-long tradition in Floyd to celebrate the abundant artistry available in this area. The Artisan Trail is free to attend and invites locals and tourists alike to travel around the county to visit the open studios, see live demos, and purchase one-of-a-kind handmade art and go

Beginning in 2011, the Artisan Trail has been an eagerly awaited annual event that provides a scenic way for trail-goers to experience Floyd County. Floyd has always been known for it’s beautiful landscapes and range of artistic talent. Join family and friends this year to visit artisan home-studios to see live demos of ceramics, wood-working, glass art, fibers and textile art, and more. The Trail happily hosts local farms and farm markets, offering tours and locally grown produce and farm goods. There may