flintlib.org - FLINT: Fast Library for Number Theory

Example domain paragraphs

FLINT is a C library for doing number theory, freely available under the GNU LGPL . Some domains handled by FLINT. At its core, FLINT provides arithmetic in standard rings such as the integers, rationals, algebraic, real, complex and p -adic numbers, finite fields, and number fields. It also provides polynomials (univariate and multivariate), power series, and matrices.

FLINT covers a wide range of functionality: primality testing, integer factorisation, multivariate polynomial GCD and factorisation, FFTs, multimodular reconstruction, special functions, exact and approximate linear algebra, LLL, finite field embeddings, and more.

FLINT is the work of dozens of contributors, spanning 15+ years of development. The upcoming FLINT 3.0 release comprises 8,000 documented functions, 3,500 test programs, and 900,000 lines of code.

Links to flintlib.org (9)