flask-capitains-nemo.readthedocs.io - Welcome to the flask extension Nemo documentation! — Flask.ext.Nemo documentation

Example domain paragraphs

Capitains Nemo is an User Interface built around the need to make CapiTainS an easy-to-use, human-readable standard for texts. Capitains Nemo counts multiple language implementations, including this one in Python for Flask. Built as a classic Flask Extension, flask.ext.nemo intends to be a simple, customizable interface between your end-user and your Text APIs.

If you are new to the Capitains world, feel free to get some reading time on the generic website

The Flask’s extension Nemo can be customized from its stylesheets to its functions. Adding routes or removing them is as easy as adding a XSL Stylesheet to transform the very own result of a CTS GetPassage results to your own expected output.