flashpearls.com - Flash Pearls: Flash Website Showcase

Description: Flash Pearls serves as a creative inspirational database for Flash designers. Featuring a gallery of the best Flash websites, including sites that support web standards, as well as Flash Tutorials and news.

design (76139) website (31253) websites (27685) site (11028) gallery (8018) flash (3613) sites (2849) showcase (680) macromedia (126) 8ball (26)

Example domain paragraphs

02/27/07 : Jon Aldinger, Mark Huot, & Dan Mall present swfIR : swf Image Replacement

02/21/07 : flashBug is an Actionscript class that writes debug information out to Firebug's console

02/06/07 : Geoff Stearns and Bobby van der Sluis join forces to create one Flash embed method to rule them all: SWFFix