flash-testimony.blogspot.co.uk - Flash Testimony

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...the Lord took you and brought you out of the iron-smelting furnace, out of Egypt, to be the people of his inheritance   (Deuteronomy 4 v 20)

Just £5 would enable Sister Grace Ismail, the school nurse, to purchase seedlings which pupils belonging to her Environment Clubs can plant and care for. The produce is used for nutritious school meals or by those learning to cook on the Hotel and Catering Management Course. The school vegetable gardens are sponsored by Andrew Smith of Environmental Impact Management Services in Pretoria who have provided shade netting, tools and other equipment over a number of years. Irrigation is maintained over the scho

 I was at Rosebank Anglican Church in Johannesburg when I met a South African lady who had recently returned from a short-term mission to the USSR, just as it was opening up. The iron curtain had lifted. 

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