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Y’all this mommin’ thing is not for the faint of heart. As the Big One is a high school senior, my emotions are all over the place. There are moments that I am bursting with pride at who she is. There are moments that I am terrified that she is not ready for that big world out there. There are moments that I am profoundly sad knowing that she will soon be out on her own. There are moments of pure excitement as I think about all that she will accomplish in her lifetime. These moments can occur over days or i

Friday night was a tough one. It marked her last high school dual meet. Forever. She will never swim in a regular high school meet again. There was excitement and anticipation as she was able to swim her favorite event one last time (the 500 free). There was sadness as this was the last time we’d watch her swim in a regular dual meet. After she swam, there was disappointment (on her part!) as she didn’t swim as fast as she’d hoped. That brought a wave of sadness, as I knew she was disappointed in herself. I

When the meet ended, I told her she had to humor me and take a picture with me to mark her last swim meet. She grudgingly complied. I put my arm around her and tickled the back of her neck in an attempt to elicit a real smile.