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First UN human rights investigator allowed to visit since camp was set up says men subjected to 'inhuman and degrading' treatment 

Ní Aoláin, a law professor at the University of Minnesota and at Queens University in Belfast, told a press conference on Monday that "after two decades of custody, the suffering of those detained is profound, and it's ongoing. Every single detainee I met with lives with the unrelenting harms that follow from systematic practices of rendition, torture and arbitrary detention."

"This was the tragic fulfilment of a program of intolerance and arrogance," said Ferencz at the  trial of 22 officers who led mobile paramilitary killing squads known as Einsatzgruppen the. "Vengeance is not our goal, nor do we seek merely a just retribution. We ask this court to affirm by international penal action man's right to live in peace and dignity regardless of his race or creed. The case we present is a plea of humanity to law."