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Description: Not sure if you need an architect, engineer or a builder for your construction project? We can help.

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There is a huge crossover between Architects and Engineers and what these two professions actually do when it comes to applying for planning permission and building warrants. As a result, if you’re using a “find a builder” site, it is quite likely that when you are trying to find a professional for your project, your query will go to the wrong person and you will not get a reply. This is because no one is looking at your information to make sure you are selecting the correct professional for your project.

In addition, what these generic websites fail to address, is that Scotland has a different building warrant system than the rest of the UK. If your query goes to someone who is not able to work within Scotland, you may still get a reply and may even end up with a design, which you’ll have paid for before realising it will not pass Scottish building regulations.

We make sure your job goes to the person most able to help you.

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