- Devotion for busy working people | Give God 15 minutes and see what you get back!

Description: Give God 15 minutes and see what you get back!

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When I was in College, I spend my weekends tutoring Cambodian refugees/immigrants in Lowell Massachusetts. (It was the 1990s) Once the teachers asked a Cambodian teenager who he admired the most, I was surprised by his answer: “President Jimmy Carter”. When Carter was president, this teenager was too young to have any meaningful understanding of who Carter was. He then explained, “President Carter allowed my family to come to America.”

Allowing families from suffering parts of the world to come to America is a life changing humanitarian gesture that this nation is well known for. Immigrants are in general thankful. In this tradition, President Biden announced his plan for allowing (illegal) immigrants a path to citizenship over 8 years as a reversal of President Trump’s “anti-immigrant” policies.

As an immigrant myself, and having served among Cambodian immigrants, international students, Chinese immigrants, and inside Honduras, I believe I can give a more diverse point of view than a typical American Christian. I would like my Christian friends to lend theirs ears to a few of my stories.