- Field of Schemes – sports stadium news and analysis

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Just when you thought the  Oakland A’s move to Las Vegas was all over but the shouting … here comes more shouting! This and more news from the week that was:

Coyotes CEO Xavier Gutierrez said team execs have had conversations regarding a dozen potential arena sites in Arizona and have narrowed it down to six , yadda yadda, this is what team owners always say, and it’s not like Gutierrez even named any of the sites. No, the real news was this gem of a quote:

“I think referendums have proven to be very difficult, not just for us,” Gutierrez said. “You look at the backlash that certain other sports teams are having, it’s very clear that there is a narrative that this isn’t what really the public wants to approve via a vote. And so we’re looking at other options.”

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