fedifinder.glitch.me - Fedifinder

Description: Fediverse accounts of your X/Twitter followings

Example domain paragraphs

Fedifinder helps you find the Fediverse accounts of your Twitter contacts.

It is based on consent and does not give you handles of people who do not want to be found. After authorizing it to access your Twitter account, Fedifinder retreives up to 15.000 of your Followings (accounts which you follow). It then scans the profiles and pinned Tweets of those accounts for Fediverse handles and links. Because handles can look exactly like mail addresses it cross-checks them with a cached list of domains. For domains it doesn't know, it tries to do a webfinger lookup and collect informati

This is a hobby project by @[email protected] . While I try to follow best practice and am as open about the process as possible, I can't guarantee the safety of your data. Because Fedifinder mostly handles public data, the risk is low, but still there.

Links to fedifinder.glitch.me (30)