fedgeo.us - FedGeoDay2024

Description: Event promoting use of open source geospatial in Federal Government.

Example domain paragraphs

📍 Baltimore, MD As part of FOSS4G North America, FedGeoDay 2023 will be hosted at the Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor . Sign In: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Doors Open: 12:00 PM

*Registration is hosted on the FOSS4G North America website. Click on the “Register Now” button on the FOSS4G NA site and you will have the option to register for FedGeoDay or for FOSS4G NA + FedGeoDay. .fe-64e986de433bf719b2714282 { --grid-gutter: calc(var(--sqs-mobile-site-gutter, 6vw) - 11.0px); --cell-max-width: calc( ( var(--sqs-site-max-width, 1500px) - (11.0px * (8 - 1)) ) / 8 ); display: grid; position: relative; grid-area: 1/1/-1/-1; grid-template-rows: repeat(105,minmax(24px, auto)); grid-template

Links to fedgeo.us (5)