fcagt.org - Georgia Tech FCA

Description: To see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.

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Every semester we get to see God’s will unfold in our student-athlete's lives. Our FCA at GT team has adopted a new win strategy – 4 for 40 and Beyond ! We are making an investment in them over four years that will continuously produce profitable returns for the rest of their lives and into the next. 

Our student-athletes are developing beyond what a Georgia Tech degree or a thriving career (athletic or otherwise) can offer • A faith that they will hold on to and use in  every area for the rest of their lives • This significant community among  student-athletes • And, in addition, the deeper  experience of loving relationships  That is a guarantee that neither  their sport nor a Georgia Tech degree can make.   We are blessed to serve the entire  Georgia Tech Athletic Association   (as  well as  the  many

Georgia Tech, there is more work to be done.

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