fbclive.com - THE PULL OF LIFE’S UNDERTOW :: YouVersion Event

Description: Bring the beauty and truth of the Bible into everyday life. With the YouVersion Bible App, you can read, watch, listen, and share on your smartphone or tablet, and online at Bible.com.

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Get the YouVersion app

Read the Bible, discover plans, and seek God every day.

if (typeof window.standaloneInitialized === 'undefined') { window.standaloneInitialized = true // Load once-only variables window.__ENV__ = "production"; window.__RAILS_HOST__ = "https://my.bible.com"; window.__NODE_HOST__ = "http://nodejs.bible.com:443"; window.__LOCALE__ = { "locale": "en-US", "source": "url", "bibleLocale": "eng", "locale2": "en", "locale3": "eng", "momentLocale": "en-US", "nativeName": "English (US)", "planLocale": "en", "textDirection": "ltr", "reactIntlDataLocale": "en", "reactIntlPro