fbadvertising.ninja - About Us | Clients Online

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Janak Mehta – known as a Facebook Advertising Ninja and a Paid Advertising Expert; is a passionate Entrepreneur who thrives on serving, teaching and consulting Experts & E-Commerce business owners on getting more clients from their website/funnels and SCALE their business.

Janak Mehta is the co-founder of  Clients Online , a full service Paid Advertising Agency based in Scottsdale, AZ. Clients Online is the go-to Paid Advertising Agency for the top Experts, Influencers, Coaches, E-Commerce Business Owners and Service Based businesses in various verticals. We have created, managed, and scaled 5, 6 and 7-figure Facebook Ad campaigns with ROAs over 3000%. Successful Entrepreneurs hire Clients Online to help them build out their media buying strategy and create results-driven cam

Janak Mehta was born in India and moved to the US to earn his Masters in  Information Networking , an interdisciplinary degree from School of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Business School at  Carnegie Mellon University . He then worked at Bell Communication Research Lab  (Now  Telcordia Technologies )  and  Ford Motor Company . While at Ford, he started a real estate investment business, buying and selling  $2.4 million in property across US. He also launched the Local Real Estate Investors C