farhudbook.com - The Farhud

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MONUMENTAL AND EXHAUSTIVELY DOCUMENTED. Monumental in scope, Edwin Black’s new book The Farhud sheds light on the under-researched, 14-century-long confrontation between the Caliphate and the Jewish communities, and offers new exhaustively documented details of exactly how the Pan-Arabist and Jihadist movement of the Levant, led by the Mufti of Jerusalem, al-Husseini, partnered with the Nazis during the darkest days of the Holocaust. –Walid Phares, Fox News Terrorism Analyst, author, Future Jihad

PROFOUND. INSIGHTFUL. Following the precedent set by his earlier works on vital issues, Edwin Black has produced another profound, insightful work of historic and contemporary significance. In The Farhud , Black presents well-documented truths about Arab–Nazi collaboration during the Holocaust. It will shed new light on the discussion of the Middle East and the Arab-Israeli conflict. This book fills a long-standing gap in our understanding of the terrible events of 70 years ago and their continuing impact o

MASSIVE. A massive undertaking, Edwin Black has written in a captivating style a tremendous volume, with insight, clear presentation, and objective research, that will change the understanding of the Mideast story and the Arab-Israeli relationship, for generations and generations to come. – Shmuel Moreh, co-editor of Al-Farhud: the 1941 Pogrom in Iraq , Israel Prize Laureate, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, & Chairman, Academic Council of Babylonian Jewry

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