farhadmohit.com - Farhad Mohit

Description: Farhad Mohit - Bio

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Farhad Mohit Twitter Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Immortal until proven otherwise; I love people and create things.

Farhad is founder and full-time volunteer at Good Party , building free tools to change the rules and disrupt the corrupt. We're creating hope through a credible plan for good indie candidates to run and win, because both Red and Blue are blah! Previously, he was the founder and CEO of Flipagram (now TikTok ), which had over 300M downloads in under 3 years, making it one of the largest and fastest growing mobile apps of all time, when it was acquired in 2017 by ByteDance, who combined it with another acquis

Farhad is founder and full-time volunteer at Good Party , building free tools to democratize democracy, allowing real people to run, win, and serve as independents without needing partisan support or big money, because both Red and Blue are blah! and their duopoly needs to be creatively disrupted. He has also founder at Gifted Savings , a 501c3 non-profit which is showing that the direct gifting of wealth is the most simple, efficient and rewarding way to empower people at citywide scale. Previously, he was