farbeyondthemiyako.com - 遠々洛外 - Far Beyond the Miyako

Description: A blog devoted to Japanese (and occasionally Australian) history, politics, society, and whatever else comes to mind

history (7328) strategy (6288) trade (5043) japan (4409) politics (4030) policy (3396) japanese (2972) war (1001) foreign (415) weaponry (15)

Example domain paragraphs



This is a blog maintained by Greg Pampling in order to complement his webpage, Pre-Modern Japanese Resources .  All posts are attributable to Mr Pampling alone, and reflect his personal opinion on various aspects of Japanese history and politics (among other things). 弊ブログをご覧になって頂きまして誠に有難うございます。グレッグ・パンプリングと申します。このブログに記載されている記事は全て我の個人的な意見 であり、日本の歴史、又は政治状態、色々な話題について触れています。

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