- Fantasia3D: Disentangling Geometry and Appearance for High-quality Text-to-3D Content Creation

Description: Deformable Neural Radiance Fields creates free-viewpoint portraits (nerfies) from casually captured videos.

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South China University of Technology ICCV 2023 Paper ArXiv Supp_material Code Abstract Automatic 3D content creation has achieved rapid progress recently due to the availability of pre-trained, large language models and image diffusion models, forming the emerging topic of text-to-3D content creation. Existing text-to-3D methods commonly use implicit scene representations, which couple the geometry and appearance via volume rendering and are suboptimal in terms of recovering finer geometries and achieving p

Fantasia3D can generate high-quality 3D assets from solely text prompts.

In addition to zero-shot generation, our method is flexible to accept a customized 3D model as the initialization , thereby facilitating user-guided asset generation.

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