f3cryptoinvestigations.com - Crypto Investigations - F3 Intelligence

Description: we will do it together F3 Intelligence Corp stands alone in the industry by combining both its crypto forensics capabilities with its real-world private…

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we will do it together

F3 Intelligence Corp stands alone in the industry by combining both its crypto forensics capabilities with its real-world private investigative services. F3 utilizes blockchain forensic software in unison with Certified Crypto Forensics Investigators (CCFI’s) and licensed Private Investigators (PI’s) capable of conducting every aspect of an investigation from start to finish. While other Crypto Forensics companies will tell you What occurred, F3 is capable of also telling you the Who , Why , and How due to

F3 uses the same forensics software as many government agencies to conduct their crypto investigations. Forensic software is used to augment F3 crypto investigators, ensuring accurate and timely investigations that are thoroughly documented so that they can be handed over and utilized as evidence should the need arise. F3’s software is unique in that it is multichain capable, while most other firms only track the simplest Bitcoin transactions. As bad actors become savvier, they are moving away from Bitcoin