experimentalanimation.org domain details

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The Seattle Experimental Animation Team was represented at the Short Run Comix & Arts Festival at the Seattle Center on November 5th last month. Animations by Britta Johnson, Chris Looney, Clyde Peterson, Drew Christie, Guinness Waller, James Webber, Nelly Goniodsky, Stefan Gruber, Tess Martin, Webster Crowell, as well as Joe Garber, Aubrey Nehring, Lydia Fu, and Alex Chiu were all displayed inside the SEAT tent, while James Webber, Stefan Gruber and Charlie Daugherty helped man the table, where zines, flip

Photo via James Webber.

The Seattle Experimental Animation Team was in full force at the recent Bumbershoot festival. The team installed their three giant zoetropes sculptures which included some brand new animated loops with a ‘disaster’ theme, as well as other video/animation related installations. The zoetropes were originally constructed for the month-long SEAT & Spin exhibit at Gallery 4Culture, and we’re happy more people got to experience them. Go SEAT!