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In 2014, Concur announced a partnership with Airbnb that allowed corporate bookings from Airbnb to directly import into Concur via TripLink and integrated into Concur’s duty of care and spend visibility tools. This was at the same time Airbnb announced “Business Travel on Airbnb.”

The partnership now allows Airbnb homes to display WITHIN the SAP Concur platform – side by side with traditional hotel properties. The feature must first be activated by the company’s Concur Travel Administrator before employees will have access to the new feature (more on this below).

My personal disclaimer here: Airbnb is not the choice for everyone. It might not fit your personal or company culture… but some people DO enjoy the benefits. Personally I like Airbnb in the right circumstances and appreciated having the flexibility to use the service when I needed it – I used Airbnb for several business trips, including a GBTA trade event and an amazing place in San Francisco (when all of the hotels were already sold out). The San Francisco host even put one of my favorite local beers in th

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