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Nietzsche is often thought of as a misogynist philosopher, but reality is a little more complex. Earlier in his life he could rightly be regarded as a feminist, believing that women could achieve anything men could with proper education, which was not exactly a common opinion at the time. He was alive at a time when women were first starting to be admitted to universities, and his own university even held a vote on whether to allow this. He voted to allow women in (but lost the vote 4-6). This attitude more

However, even after this, he still surrounded himself with well educated, feminist women in his intellectual and social circles. Most of them seemed to treat his misogyny as a sort of joke, and not something core to his philosophy that would cause tension with them on a deep level. Nietzsche’s misogyny was an outgrowth of his personal bitterness, not out of the kind of self creation that forms the basis of his life. We can’t help but imagine Nietzsche would feel revolted by the small minded men spending the

The Living Philosophy has a good rundown on YouTube.

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