exemplar-education.com - Exemplar Education | Online Maths and English

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Before I started using Exemplar I was never sure about the answers and I would sometimes be guessing when I answered the question. My friends were the same as me. Using the program… read more

Before I started using Exemplar I was never sure about the answer and I would sometimes be guessing when I answered the question. My friends were the same as me. After a test we would ask each other and hope that we got it right. After using the program I was the one that everyone asked and it gave me a good feeling to think that everyone thought I was the one that always knows the answer. Fractions are now my favourite subject and I am looking forward to doing the same with all of my maths problems in the

I thought I would write and tell you what a difference Exemplar has made for me. My Maths has improved a lot and I’m now in the top group in my class at school. I never used to get 100% until… read more

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