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Home Contact Me Health Ultimate guide to kratom extracts – benefits, dosage Kratom has been used for centuries for various ailments. This plant extract is derived from the leaves of the Mitragyna speciose tree and has become increasingly popular over the past few years, its potential health benefits. The extracts are concentrated forms of kratom processed to remove the plant material and isolate the active alkaloids. They come in different strengths and be consumed in various ways, including capsules, powde

The appropriate dosage for consuming kratom extract depends on several factors including individual tolerance levels, and desired effects. Typical dosages range between 0.5 grams to 2 grams per serving depending on how strong your extract is (usually labeled as X: Y concentration). It’s not exceed recommended doses, especially during first-time use overconsumption leads to undesirable effects. Alcohol and other drugs should not be consumed with the extract.

Different ways of consuming kratom extract