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The emergence of increasingly convoluted ‘constellations’ of different SARS-CoV-2 variants is proving challenging for those attempting to organise lineage naming. Assigning pronounceable names following a coherently organised structure whilst at the same time acknowledging clinically significant mutations is a thorny problem, stimulating interesting Twitter discussion in recent days. Delay and confusion over SARS-CoV-2 lineage naming has caused headaches for many including myself, slowing discourse about em

The UK suffers from a long tail of woeful rural connectivity , where in 2019 a third of households received <10Mb/s including 10% below <2Mb/s. Unfortunately my mother’s address is one such location. Halfway between telephone exchanges in the Somerset levels between Yeovil and Glastonbury, Openreach ADSL2+ gets us roughly one megabit of internet plumbing. An eagerly anticipated Fibre To The Cabinet upgrade improved the situation, but the fibre cabinet turned out to be in a village two miles away, actually n

These plots can be useful for exploring trends in infectious disease outbreaks over time. In some recent work on bugs growing in hospital sinks , I used the one below to help show that sink drains are colonised by a handful of E. coli lineages, which occasionally overlap with infections seen in patients staying on the same wards. This is a small dataset, but the interactivity of Bokeh is proving useful for exploring a larger version of this dataset, where room for annotations is limited. The code below clus