- Eugene Krivoruchko

Example domain paragraphs

Eugene Krivoruchko About & Contact Info Hand UI Design and prototyping work published while at Leap Motion and after, focusing on spatial UI for hands (Open source). Cat Explorer A little app about friendship and feline anatomy for Leap Motion. A Study in Interactive Mechanics for VR Series of short-form VR experiences that explore a selection of various interactive mechanics, specific to the spatial medium. Mr. Nomnom Gameplay prototypes for a tiny WebVR game by Etterstudio for Google Creative lab. Gentle

Bauhaus Dessau, Google Creative Lab, Amazon,, Resonate Festival, Levin & Riegner, Edenspiekermann, Etterstudio,

Prosthetic Knowledge , Killscreen Versions , HoverStates 1 · 2 , ChromeExperiments 1 · 2 , Colossal , The Verge , Gizmodo , Watson

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