- Creative Busyness – because I'm never really idle

Description: because I'm never really idle

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Today I added a link to my latest Instagram posts here at the left side.

This week I decided to participate in yet another challenge, called #DrawThisCity, in addition to the ones I was already participating on: Inktober52, DoodleTuesdayChallenge/FunnyPunnyFriday and FloraCreativeChallenge.

Today was the first day I post for DrawThisCity and it was on a drawing that combined it with the FloraCreativeChallenge. Flora’s challenge is base on what is celebrated on that date, and today apparently is Umbrella Day. The city for DrawThisCity was Semur-en-Auxois, in France. So I did a street in Semur-en-Auxois decorated in the Umbrella Sky fashion, with colorful umbrellas hanging above the road, and then I added 4 people walking with their own colorful umbrellas too. The image is pictured above.