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Many people have the wrong idea about retirement. Having a good life at these years is not something that happens automatically, and you have to fight for it throughout your active working life. It also takes a bit of planning – especially if you want to start relaxing at a younger age than most other people on the job market. The sad reality is that we’re seeing a rise in the average retirement age in many parts of the world, and that’s not a good trend.

Those who fail to plan accordingly risk getting left behind, and no support system will be enough to help them out at that stage. If you want to avoid dealing with this, you have to start out early, and have a determined attitude about it.

And that’s the most important thing in this ordeal. Start planning as early as possible, and have a rough roadmap for your career over the next decades. In many lines of work, jumping between positions can be more lucrative than trying to get promoted in the same company over and over again. This is especially true for software development and other areas of the IT sector. As long as you keep learning and adding quality points to your resume, you’ll be in a strong position to bargain for more money at your