- Ethan Weber

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I'm currently pursuing a PhD at Berkeley advised by Professor Angjoo Kanazawa . I'm passionate about helping others with technological solutions, and I'm most interested in 3D computer vision with applications in augmented reality and robotics. I'm also intrigued by brain-related technology. Previously I was an undergraduate and Master's student at MIT. I was fortunate to work with and learn from Professor Antonio Torralba during this time.

I'm currently pursuing a PhD at Berkeley advised by Professor Angjoo Kanazawa. I'm passionate about helping others with technological solutions. I'm interested in computer vision with applications in both robotics and augmented reality. I'm also intrigued by brain-related technology.

Since middle school, I've been expressing my passion for science and technology primarily through projects. I enjoy using my passion for problem-solving, technology, and building to influence the lives of others in positive ways through research and development.

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