- Ozone ECV Project

Description: The Ozone project focuses on the generation of multi-decadal time series of harmonised and consistent ozone data suitable to assess long-term changes in total ozone, as well as its vertical distribution.

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The Ozone project focuses on the generation of multi-decadal time series of harmonised and consistent ozone data suitable to assess long-term changes in total ozone, as well as its vertical distribution.

Ozone is strongly linked to climate due to its influence on Earth’s radiative budget, absorbing solar UV radiation in the stratosphere and terrestrial infrared radiation in the troposphere.

The Ozone project's objectives are to develop advanced level-2 and level-3 retrieval algorithms applicable to nadir and limb sensor types, and apply them to long times-series of measurements, improve the information content of ozone measurements in critical altitude regions (troposphere and UTLS), link European data records to historical non-European data series to create consistent long-series of observations covering several decades, and significantly impact ozone-related research at the international lev

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