- erin white – working at the intersections of technology and inclusion. PVD, RVA and beyond

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It’s been a whirlwind year in our household. My wife got a job as an associate professor at RISD, so we both put in our notice at VCU, picked up sticks and moved our household to Providence, RI. I’ve moved out of libraries and academia (for the most part…) and am working at a Richmond-based diversity, equity and inclusion consultancy. I still moonlight each fall as an adjunct instructor of Information Architecture at UTK. We miss our beloved community in Richmond and at VCU, but have been enjoying new thing

After 13 years in Richmond and at VCU, I didn’t see myself moving – let alone leaving the South! – but it has been invigorating and restorative to make this change. We can do hard things.

I gave this 5-minute talk almost two years ago at Code4Lib 2021, but hadn’t yet shared it here.