- Erin Beckerleg - Southern California |

Description: I am a Community Outreach in Southern California. Read my blog.

design (76304) travel (20044) running (4409)

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One of the most important things a person can do is give back to their community, especially to the next generation and to those who will appreciate it the most. I have always had a passion for the arts; so when I got the opportunity to really stretch my creativity and use art to give back in a way that many would find impossible, I embraced it fully!

I spend my spare time volunteering and teaching art classes for visually impaired children. How is that possible you may ask? I created a program that uses various sensory aids to guide the class through each lesson. The program is the first of its kind and I create each lesson myself. For example, at our last lesson I tasked the class with painting a flower garden. Each child received a bouquet of real flowers , brushes, a canvas, and a tray of paint. In each bouquet was a tulip, a Gerber daisy, and a rose

I feel so honored to be part of that development. Being a positive influence in their lives gives me a sense of purpose and fulfills me in a way nothing else could, its been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.