- Eric Beversluis – Story telling is deeply ingrained in human nature, even if the stories just get told to family members around

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Welcome to my website. Here you’ll find stories and commentary as well as stuff about me. I write from a suburb of Cleveland. As I write the bare branches of the trees are brilliantly outlined with white and the snow on the ground is sparkling in late afternoon sun. Many of my stories take place in Maasdam, Ohio.

“Semper Fi.” A young Marine, hoping to get into the Naval Academy, is charged with murdering his pregnant girlfriend. Forthcoming.

TWK Award Winner : Feuds . Liza, orphaned and widowed, receives a photograph of her grandmother racing a motorcycle. A grandmother she did not know existed, who wants to :see her now. Can she forgive her for all the years of neglect? And what about Sheriff Bartkowski, who keeps trying to get her to accept his apologies for the stupid arrest? 15 minute read.

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