- ERDO - Working Group

Description: ERDO is a multinational working group (WG), whose members are nominated by the appropriate Government level organisations, has been established to study the feasibility of setting up a Development Organisation (ERDO) that would implement one or more shared geological repositories in Europe

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A multinational working group, whose members are nominated by the appropriate Government level organisations, established to study the feasibility of setting up a Development Organisation (ERDO) that would implement one or more shared geological repositories in Europe.

Posted January, 2020

The most recent Working Group meeting took place in Zagreb on 20th - 21st November 2019. The WG meeting was attended by representatives of current member countries and was hosted by the Group’s newest member, Fond-NEK, Croatia. The principal objective of the meeting was to plan three ERDO-WG projects to explore and develop shared waste management activities. The projects involve work on pre-disposal waste management issues, deep borehole disposal of wastes and cost evaluation of shared disposal scenarios. A