- St Cuthbert's House – touching hermitage – "be it only with the tip of a little finger"

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Welcome to St Cuthbert’s House, home to a canonical hermit of the Diocese of Hallam, UK.

Thank you for finding this space! It is ten years since I last put together a website, and I am relieved to find the technology is much easier to use now. My previous website still exists here:  (it will open in a new tab) but software updates prevent me from making any more changes to it. I know some of the information on the pages over there has been very useful to those interested in hermitage, so I won’t be deleting it yet, but nor will I be transferring much of it over here, so think o

I am still printing and selling my greetings card designs through the old website. This is a direct link to that section: . I am donating all the monies you send for the cards to a local foodbank, or to the charity Freedom from torture . Thank you for supporting this work.

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