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Home Lab Members Techniques Publications Photos Tools More Home Lab Members Techniques Publications Photos Tools Home Lab Members Techniques Publications Photos Tools Epp Lab Epp Lab Epp Lab Epp Lab Contact Us About Us Work in our  lab focuses on mechanisms of learning, memory and forgetting. Our work is applicable to understanding both normal and pathological memory in conditions such as aging, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and brain injury.  We approach these broad topics using several cutting-edge  techn

We also collaborate closely the with Sargin Lab at the University of Calgary.       

We are interested in memory consolidation and the persistence of memory over time, the underlying neural mechanisms that support this and the pathological conditions that interrupt normal memory processes. An overarching aim is to address questions related to these research topics at multiple levels of analysis. For example, memory stability may relate to synaptic function and spine dynamics (i.e. microscale changes) however we also investigate the mesoscale and macroscale organization of memory. This can b

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