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It has been a while since my last post on this blog. It is painful for me write about this because generally I don’t enjoy reading people’s complaints about not having kept up with their blog, but it is true for me now, and I feel like writing about it, so here we go.

There was a time when I identified as an entomologist. That was actually my official title at work, job series 0414 Entomologist. Granted I was working as a pest management consultant, and lets face it, pest management is kind of at the low end of respectability when it comes to entomology. But nevertheless, I could say that I was an entomologist, and people came to with their bug questions. I was traveling to different military bases across the Pacific to train pesticide applicators and inspect pest manage

Eventually, the toll on my family became noticeable, and I could see it was becoming more of a problem, so I changed jobs. I was no longer a Navy pest management consultant for the Pacific area. I became a Navy natural resources manager in Hawaii. I have to admit there were also some other more selfish reasons for that change. I saw an opportunity to get more into conservation, which was appealing to me. Also I figured I would have more chances to do surveys for native Hawaiian insects, which was even more

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