englandrecycles.co.uk - Recycle Now

Description: Recycle Now is the national recycling campaign for England and Northern Ireland, which aims to motivate more people, to recycle more of the right things, more often.

Example domain paragraphs

Are you among the two thirds of the UK population who have a concern about plastic waste? Research from WRAP, the climate action NGO that brings you Recycle Now, shows that two in three of us feel that plastic waste is an important issue to us personally – but we all know how challenging it can be to act on that concern when shopping! As a nation, we’re getting good at trying out new kinds of shopping that cut down on unnecessary packaging, and refill shops are one answer. If you’re not yet familiar with th

How to Recycle

Keeping track of which day is recycling day and which is a regular rubbish day often comes down to one simple technique: peering out of the window to see which bin your neighbours have put out! That’s certainly one way to do it, but did you know that many local councils have tools to help make recycling easier to remember? Here’s how to make the most of technology to transform yourself into the neighbourhood ‘binfluencer’!