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" The end of the human race will be that it will eventually die of civilization. " Ralph Waldo Emerson

We owe our modern way of life to the high-density energy that is found in fossil fuels, and also the many derivatives that are made out of oil (plastics). Everything from the food that we eat to keep us alive (fertilizers, pesticides), to everyday entertainment gizmos like Xboxes, smart gadgets, electric skateboards, etc. is made possible in some part by oil. Let's not forget about the fact that the entire infrastructure around us, buildings, roads, bridges, dams, absolutely everything are in some way made

Wait a minute now, why do you start this text talking about oil when the website name talks about the end of suburbia? Well, guess what, suburbia is another thing that is possible and heavily depends on oil. Sprawling networks of neighborhoods that stretch miles and miles from the city center require gasoline for commutes, grocery shopping, grocery delivery, and in general access to services that can be only found in the city. The infrastructure needed to support the suburbs is also heavily reliant on oil,

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