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Hemp products can offer an easy and discreet way to test your cannabis tolerance without letting others know that you are as high as a kite. In addition, these products are good for the environment by using less natural resources than cloth or paper alternatives and currently has no health-related drawbacks. Here are ways on how hemp products offer a discreet and odorless option:

Hemp products look like fabric, but don’t act like it

Used to make clothing, towels and beddings, hemp from  Elevate is a natural fiber that has the look and feel of linen. Hemp is an all-natural fiber that no pesticides or chemicals were used to grow it. With the look and feel of cloth, hemp is an easy fabric for people to use when smoking. It’s should be noted that hemp does not stink like regular fabrics. Currently, hemp products are suitable for all ranges of health-related uses and don’t cause any negative side effects.