emerakii.carrd.co - emerakii

Description: emi's info and commission carrd

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TERMS ART MUSIC EMERAKII Character Artist / Topliner / Costume Designer

I'm Emi! An idol-obsessed artist from the UK. I primarily focus on all things loud, colourful and cute, but I love exploring any genre I can! You can contact me with the buttons above- I'm most available on discord @ emerakii#3803

My main persona for everything I do. The last ditch effort of a sugar-drunk artist starved of original ideas to submit: born from the trope of a cow being abducted by aliens, this experimental hyper-coloured-hybrid overtook their own creator and dances through dimensions looking for new tropes, styles and stories to absorb into its being. Watch out!! Fictional or not, your universe might be next in line to get its creative juices gobbled up!~

Links to emerakii.carrd.co (1)