emawebdev.net - EmaWebDev - Full Stack Developer

Description: Full Stack Developer, Brand Designer, UX Developer, SEO Specialist and Growth Marketer. PHP, JavaScript e HTML5/CSS. Web developer since 1999.

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I'm a Full Stack Developer (from Italy), UX Developer, Growth Marketer and SEO specialist. Web developer since 1999. Expert of the LAMP platform (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP5 / PHP7), API & CMS Development and HTML5/CSS/JavaScript. Always passionate about computer science, I specialize in the rapid development of web and mobile applications and platforms. UX expert, I solve usability problems by creating simple and efficient experiences for websites and mobile apps. Growth Marketer and expert of Web Marketing

I love reading, writing, planning and developing digital products. Passionate about vintage TV Series, Netflix series, sport (tennis and soccer) and retro gaming. My dream is to drive K.I.T.T.

I love pizza and eat too many sweets. I am particularly charming but don't say it around.