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About Archive FAQ Resources Tags Posts Apr 11, 2023 Looking Up Words in a Dictionary In recent years I grew quite used to the functionality presented by e-readers, some browsers and other tools to look up quickly a word in a dictionary while you’re reading something. 1 English is not my first language and from time to time I come across something I don’t know, so I appreciate being able to figure it out quickly. That’s also a great way to learn new words and improve your vocabulary.

Turns out Emacs 28 has introduced some pretty similar functionality with the command dictionary-lookup-definition that will lookup the word at point. You can bind this command to something like C-c l ( l for “lookup”):

( global-set-key ( kbd "C-c l" ) #' dictionary-lookup-definition ) This command is part of the much bigger dictionary package, that is full of all sorts of features - e.g. a fully fledged dictionary-mode where you can search for words (you can start it with M-x dictionary ). Lots of cool features there, but I need only the lookup word at point functionality most of the time.

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