elliotwrenmusic.com - Elliot Wren

Description: Home page of Elliot Wren, a pop artist from Needham. Elliot Wren is an 18 year old pop singer songwriter from Boston, MA who draws their listeners in with their raw, unapologetic lyrics and sweet uplifting melodies promising hope. All their songs tell a d

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Elliot has been writing for over ten years, with their biggest influences being Taylor Swift, Avril Lavigne, Melanie Martinez, Miley Cyrus & Sabrina Carpenter. Now 18 years old, Elliot Wren has already established themselves as a respected independent artist in Boston, performing with other local artists and organizing singer-songwriter events. In 2019, they performed in over 40 tour stops with All You Got Tour for performers aged 24 and under, and performed at First Night Boston. 

Their biggest goal is to prove to LGBTQ+ artists, artists with disabilities and other artists who face hardships in day to day life that anyone can pursue music as a profession and find happiness in whatever they do. Elliot hopes to perform one day at Boston Pride. 

Their first single, RIP My Diary, was greeted with overwhelmingly positive praise from multiple publications for its raw lyrical style and expressive sound.