elliotnash.me - gettin nashty

Description: design, code, and fitness

Example domain paragraphs

In 1994 I was 8. I vividly remember standing in the cafeteria of my elementary school, picking up a dime with the current year on it, and proclaiming, "by the year 2000 we're going to have flying cars." How could we not? Everything is possible , thats the mantra I (like most American children) grow up around. Not only that, 6 years was nearly a lifetime away.

19 years later, I don't think we're much closer to flying cars - but then again, I have a feeling we're closer than most people suspect.

Idealists have a habit of designing or seeing new technology in movies - set in the year 2XXX - and trying to see how we can make it today. Immediately. Usually theres a reason why even if we  could implement some kind of future technology today, we won't. Simply put, the entire ecosystem needs to be ready for game changing technology to be adopted properly.