eljays44.com - Horticulture media, expos, events & research | Eljays44

Description: Eljays44 helps connect and grow businesses in the horticulture sector, through media, expos, live events & research. Get in touch today to see how we can help your business.

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WELCOME TO ELJAYS44 CONNECTING HORTICULTURE WHO WE ARE Welcome to your route to the UK landscaping sector.

Eljays44 is 100% focused on connecting all parts of the UK’s landscaping industry together, using many different channels – live events, exhibitions, digital and print products, research and more.

Over the latest decade, Eljays44’s brands have been positioned as forward-thinking, trusted media brands. Its commitment to the sector and relationships built make Eljays44’s products the first port of call for the market.

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