eliasoechsner.de - Elias Oechsner - Circus Artist

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24.01.2023 | "Heppa" | IKF | Link 25.01.2023 | Compagnie Wurst | IKF | Link

There is a strange character. He speaks in his own language and has a wild imagination, so he envisions his juggling balls to be alive. They are his best friends and they follow his orders. Just sometimes not. He tries to train them and to tame them. He praises and loves them. Are they human? Are they animals? Where is his favorite ball „Nubi“? We don't know. Most importantly: He and and they can talk about everything and everyone has a place to sit.

Elias was born in Germany in 1994. Bavaria to be precise. He learned how to juggle as a teenager and soon became hooked on it. Juggling was Elias‘ first step into circus. Attending Codarts Circus Arts after secondary school widened his horizon. There was a lot more to learn than juggling seven balls and dance; theatre and clowning became part of his passion. After graduating in Rotterdam with a „Bachelor Of Arts“ he continued his studies at the famous circus school „Le Lido“ in Toulouse, France. In May 2019

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