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wilier (29) 單車 (18) q36_5

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FILANTE HYBRID Hybrid Philosophy, Wilier Triestina PerformanceIt’s hard to believe that this bike hides a system providing electric pedal assist. Yet, it does. Filante Hybrid is an electric road bike that integrates the lightest pedal assist system in the world: the new X20 motor by Mahle, a German multinational that is driving technological innovation toward zero-impact mobility.Filante Hybrid was designed with a very specific objective: to help you go faster while minimising strain. By combining the new M

Q36.5 是什麼? Q 代表 QUAERERE(研究,拉丁語)。36.5° 是健康身體的攝氏體溫。 Q36.5 的夢想是創造一款代表自行車服裝未來的標誌性產品。Q36.5 與意大利精英紡織合作夥伴合作,開發世界上最高效的騎行面料。Q36.5 使用專為騎行服開發的專有優質面料,結合極簡主義的剪裁和造型,使 Q36.5 能夠生產出世界上最輕的騎行服。 健康的體溫 無論是騎自行車、跑步、越野滑雪、登山還是登山,每項主動性能運動的所有技術服裝的真正目標應該是保持穩定的體溫。在 Q36.5,我們認為在整個騎行過程中保持健康的體溫最為重要。因此,Q36.5 一直致力於確保我們的每一件產品都能夠保持健康的體溫,從而實現更好的騎行和更好的騎手舒適度。 願景/研究/開發/ 設計/創新/生產 純性能自行車服裝的前沿的非常個人化的願景 Q36.5 於 2013 年夏季由 Luigi Bergamo 和他的妻子 Sabrina Bergamo Emmasi 推出,他們在該行業的最高級別擁有超過 40 年的工作經驗,表達了對純粹性能自行車服裝尖端前沿的非常個人的看法。Q36.5 與其說是一個品牌,不如說是一種不斷進行無拘無束的實驗和

Astana, Astana Qazaqstan Team, Filante SLR, Mark Cavendish, Wilier 0 SLR 18.01.23 In the modern cycling world, being easily recognised is key. Astana Qazaqstan Team has just made official the signing of the Manx Missile: Mark Cavendish. A world-class athlete who will generate quite the buzz when races are set alight by sprint finishes. But there will also be horizons for those who love breakaways and adventures, like Alexey Lutsenko, Samuele Battistella and Gianni Moscon. Different racing styles. All distin