elementaryanalytics.com - Data & Reporting At 10X The Speed - Elementary Analytics

Description: Elementary Analytics allows you to track your clients' data. Produce reports in less than 60 secs. And let customers track their analytics with ease.

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Data and analytics have become a critical part of any marketing campaign. It doesn’t matter if that’s for a client or an in-house promotion. With data spread across different platforms and the inconsistency that brings. Reviewing key analytics and producing reports can be a full-time job in itself.

With Elementary Analytics, you get a simple, accessible dashboard. Giving you everything you need in one place. It’s the key to helping you track how customer marketing campaigns are performing. Allowing you to reclaim hours each week. Time better spent on the important work of helping your customers grow.

Report on website analytics, PPC, SMM data. Or a combination from multiple channels.